Approaches to achieve good performance

 The following are the recommendations of LEEDS(Local Economic Empowerment and Development Strategies) for good performance, but good performance is made possible when resources are available for project implementation and the right people are involved in the implementation process.

1.Partnership with NGOS: To make resources available for projects implementation entails collaborative efforts.This involves the Local Government establishing relationships with NGOS(Non Governmental Organizations) that can give financial and material assistance for execution of projects in the Local Government Area.

2.Counterpart Funding:There are some projects needed in the L.G.A which are contained in the LEEDS document,but the financial capacity of the LGA administration might not be able to undertake,such project can be funded by WIRLD BANK, with initial pay down of 10% of the total cost of the project.Say  N 10 million naira worth.

I will write in my next post

Ebirien Ephraim Cares

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