Heritage Quotes from Eastern Obolo

 Quotable Quotes From Some Personalities in Eastern Obolo at different occasions.

1.The auspices of the Royal Fathers is a true temple of peace and unity in which the shields of our next generation can some day be hung up.HRM Ubong Ukafia

2.It is regrettable to note that after several years of oil exploration,the oil companies operating in Eastern Obolo have failed in terms of economic and social development this environmentally ravaged people of Eastern Obolo. HRM Ubong Ukafia

3.Unless we remind ourselves of the past,we many conduct ourselves in the present in a manner where the future is mortgaged to the benefits of few.HRM Ubong Ukafia 

4. I must place on record in the elites or educated ones who were in the vanguards for the creation of Eastern Obolo. I thank late Chief Geoffery L.Uzono.Chief Harry John Etetor.Dr.John Horace Enemeugum and Mr.Ubulom Aaron Etebong,that the spirit  of patriotism ran through them at that time and they joined all pressures and threat to their lives and work places from those who thought PortHarcourt and Rivers State was all they saw.HRM Ubong Ukafia 

These saying are seen as prophecies.

They are for us to learn,ponder on and know to do the right 

Ebirien Ephraim Cares 

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