Id Oduok Gnse/ EEJ


When we started being conscious of our lives we set targets thinking that meeting these targets will give us fulfilment. If not the false sense of fulfilment we act on stage (in public) deep down we have only realized that each height we attain only reveals how empty that stage was.

As teenage christians back then, we promised God heaven and earth if He could only give us admission into tertiary institution only to realize how empty gaining admission is. We moved on to another target - making First Class/Distinction. The chain goes on and on. Fact is you only think your life depend on things because you've not tested them before. If life truly depends on these things you that is reading this post should have only been doing only one work now - thanking and appreciating God - but here we are forgeting things we have gotten in the past and now having a new list which God must help us achieve else He is not a good God.

Making O'level result, having admission, making first class, attaining Ph.D, becoming a Prof, wining election as Councilor and President, having a job or a working business, marrying, having kids, building house, buying caretc look mysterious and viewed larger than life only to those who are yet to achieve them.

If you want to be happy in life start from now - where you are, what you have. It is not wise attaching your joy to things you do not have while disdaining things you have.

We fake fulfilment with our attainment to make other feel less important. Others capitalize on this emptiness to sell all kinds of hope to their victim.

Your destiny is not hidden anywhere in your tommorow - your destiny is right now and right here.

Few days before I got the above inspired words- poem from Engr Id Oduok Gnse. I think about the emptiness of man, I have this to say that the ocean of inspiration is ever enlarging. So draw from it and be refresh see life as a rent and payment is services to humanity.

In my own few line- extract: 

The empty man as the empty tomb

Man if you know yourself as said

You will think of helping, giving, encouragement and....

After days, years as I get to understand more about this life that we live.When you die your face is up, facing God alone without any persons help.

This is why you will see that you are an empty man, not minding how you amass wealth and influence.

Oh man thou are empty from creation 

Only this: 

Service is the rent we pay for the privilege of living on this earth.
It is the very purpose of life, and not something you do in your spare time…
~ Shirley Chisholm ~



 Ephraim Jerry and Id care

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