Truth across generations: Obolo Ibolo


Truth across generations

If the game you love to play hurt other people, it is no longer a game......

I remember once when all the guys got into a river battle (ọkọọn̄ agaakwaan̄)—throwing mud (igwu) mixed with all manner shells including periwinkles and oysters'. The mud arsenals were about the size of an orange fruit and almost as hard. We hid behind the mangrove trees and tried to hit each other—not something I would recommend.

I hit a friend of mine, name withheld, near the eye, and blood was oozing from the spot, and of course he ran home. I felt bad about hurting my friend. Until that happened, it was just a game. This is when I learned that if what I consider a game hurts other people, it is no longer a game I wanted to play.

Experiences like this and others have taught me that having fun at someone else's expense is not an act of love—a lesson I'm glad I learned as a child. 

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Isaac Ogwunte

True words my guy. Just that the realization of such truth is relative to perceptions. However this is a general rule of morality and I suppose it's the 'golden rule'. Human Greed which culminate into the thirst and irresistible craving for power and wealth has interpreted such to be the opium of the weakling thus making the the hurting game a fun to those it favours at the time. Thanks for sharing your thought brother. You make sense...

Touching Truth

Published by Ephraim Jerry 

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