About customers


I have these to be true about customers in How to deliver exceptional customer service                                                                                                                 


We trust you are having a productive week. 

We believed that customers are KING AND the reason why we are still in business.

So treat them well make them your business friend.


Today we want to talk about ways you can deliver exceptional customer service to your Clients.


Exceptional customer service starts with your attitude and employee training. After all, good service works from the top down, and employees trained in the art of customer service are far more likely to represent your company in a way that ensures satisfaction and repeat business.


Below are three (3) ways to provide exceptional customer service:



1. Develop and implement customer service policies: Implement service policies that address every conceivable aspect of the customer experience; which includes how quickly you answer the phone or respond to your website or email questions. How many cashiers you have on busy days, how generous your return or exchange policy is, and how you handle irate customers. Put yourself in your customer's shoes and brainstorm every potential scenario your specific business could encounter, and then develop customer-friendly procedures to address them. Involve your team in the process – you'll get fresh ideas and buy-in to the customer service concept.




2. Employ the right team: When you interview candidates, ask them what exceptional customer service means; it gives you an idea of whether the people you hire for your front lines will represent your business in a way you find acceptable.




3. Provide customer service training: Train your employees on customer service policies; make customer service training an ongoing part of your companys professional development program so that your employees are continually empowered to provide exceptional customer service. A properly trained support team will provide customer service, upsell and cross-sell relevant services seamlessly.  This will create winning experiences that would help your business stand out from the competition.



Here is a list of customer service practices that can increase customer satisfaction: 


* Be friendly and proactive


The number one rule in providing exceptional customer service is to be friendly. Try to greet customers with a smile and always be courteous and respectful. Be attentive to the customer's needs and offering help or recommendations before asking. Be kind and empathetic to your customers, even in the event of stressful or contentious situations when customers appear disappointed or angry.

Customers appreciate a speedy response to their inquiries, especially when they have a time-sensitive request. For exceptional customer service, try to return all phone calls and emails within 24 hours. Let customers know how long it will take you to assist them.



* Know your product or service


To offer your customers exceptional customer service, you must know every aspect of your service and how to troubleshoot anything that is not working correctly.



* Listen to your Customers


Listening is one of the simplest ways to provide exceptional customer service. Sometimes customers need to be heard to feel valued. They might have a valid point that you can use to make your product or service even better. By listening attentively, you can understand what your customer needs from you.

A simple "thank you" can go a long way when providing customer service. Sincere gratitude reminds them why they hired your company or shopped at your store. Show appreciation after every transaction.

Another way of thanking loyal customers is by giving them a special discount. Offer them a discount immediately after they make a purchase; not only does this demonstrate gratitude for their business, but it can also encourage another sale.



* Get to know the customer


Providing exceptional customer service means knowing who your customers are and what they want. Understanding your customers and their motivation makes it easier to offer them the personalized customer service they need. Conduct surveys to get honest feedback from your customers and gain specific information about their wants and needs.



* Focus on relationships and keep your promises


A positive relationship with your customers will help you ensure their repeat business. Showing that you care about them may inspire their loyalty and appreciation. You could offer personalized service, greet them by name and make notes of previous conversations so you can reference that information the next time you meet.


Also, make it a habit to reach out to customers after a long absence, to remind them that your product or service exists and how exceptional your customer service is. Following up could even trigger an old customer to make another purchase or provide a word-of-mouth reference to someone else.

Keeping promises to your customers will help you build a strong relationship with them to show you respect them and that you're worthy of their trust. It's important to remember that any commitment is a promise, whether written on the company website, mentioned in an online customer service ticket or remarked upon in a service call over the phone. Customers remember when a company or representative commits to something, and they trust that whatever it will be delivered. If a mistake happens or a broken promise, make sure to offer something to rebuild the trust between you and the customer.



* Ask for feedback and act on the feedback you receive


Asking your customers for feedback shows them you care about their opinion and want to improve on the customer experience . Giving them the opportunity to provide feedback can make them feel appreciated. You can use feedback forms, customer surveys, questionnaires or first-hand feedback when customers complete their orders to find out what they need and what they think of your business, products or service.

Once you have feedback from your customers, use it to improve your customer service process. You can take time regularly to review the feedback you are getting in identifying areas where you can improve and note any specific changes you can make.



* Measure your service level using Net Promoters Score (NPS):  NPS measures customer experience and predicts business growth. This proven metric transformed the business world and now provides the core measurement for customer experience management programs.



Calculate your NPS using the answer to a question, using a 0-10 scale: How likely is it that you would recommend [brand] to a friend or colleague?

Respondents grouped as follows: 


* (score 9-10) are loyal enthusiasts who will keep buying and referring others, fueling growth.

* (score 7-8) are satisfied but unenthusiastic customers vulnerable to competitive offerings.

*  (score 0-6) are unhappy customers who can damage your brand and impede growth through negative word-of-mouth.


Subtracting the percentage of Detractors from Promoters yields the Net Promoter Score, which ranges from a low of -100 (if every customer is a Detractor) to a high of 100 (if every customer is a Promoter).


There is no business without customer service. You either offer exceptional customer service or go home; customer service doesn't have room for half measures.

This is our heritage 

Highest regards 

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