Why I celebrate KURTIS MONSON ADASI (Obolo Son)

Why I celebrate KURTIS MONSON ADASI (Obolo Son)

I have known Kurtis Monson Adasi as my first cousin based in US. For years now I knew him to be a POET.

Most on his work, Originaly drawn from the endless ocean of inspiration and whispering angels.

"Glances of Infinite Chances"
© 2021 Kurtis Monson 

Changing so gradually, it's hard to see with the eyes,
He loves elevated emotional states,
Even with their good morning cries.
Releasing so many painful weights,
Grieving the years of guilt and lies.

Mother Earth is bipolar, so she should take her meds.
There's people slowly dying as they lay in their beds.
Little do they know they can heal themselves,
With only their heads.
Using their infinite mind to experience the divine,
From a teaching so special it is something sublime.

In a world that tells you that time is real,
One can collapse time in their mind with practice and zeal.
Understanding emotions and how you truly feel,
Is understanding that only through love is life made real.

Nurturing his higher self, and forgetting the old,
God bless the man stuck his routines of gold.
Never before has he seen or believed in a future so bold
As he manifests his reality for a great story already told.

Realizing life is beautifully designed is very spiritual. 
Manifesting a better life will become his new usual.
As he lets his old styles die and clips the umbilical.
When things start to make sense,
Like the scientific married with biblical.
Noticing destructive patterns,
And how they became cyclical.
Then unfiring and firing new neurology becomes critical.
Seeing through Maya's veil with the third eye visual,
The most memorable moments in life are those of the mystical.
Until being an example of Love becomes the new typical.

Walking with Jesus in a meditative state,
As instructed by a man who might've met Hermes The Thrice Great.
With a teaching so special the proctor can't show.
From the trenches, grace has restored his glow.


I am proud of you my brother 

Keep it up





"Dry Sponge"
4-17-21 © Kurtis Monson 2021

All aboard, the train is just leaving.
All are bored, but there's something to believe in.
The fifth element of aether is what I'm breathin.

They try to remove beautiful graffiti from the interstate.
Nothing but healthy food is on my dinner plate.
I'm filling up with love, forgiveness on a clean slate.

From May to December,
I forgot to remember,
Who I really was.
Not separate from God above.

From January to April,
I've been very faithful.
In love with life,
Ever so grateful.
As for who I really am,
An eternal soul, living the life of a man.

While living in survival for so many years,
I accumulated junk, including many fears.
Living in Hell is living in the first chakra,
Had to raise the energy out of that shrunken muldahara.

Like a dry sponge that gets wet with the cold morning rain,
I was ready to receive an upgrade, and get off the train.
All aboard, that train left me grievin.
All are bored, something better to believe in.

They said Zen was an experience of darkness.
Yet I practice and I sit in silence never to pass through the arches.
Into the the zero point quantum field so surreal,
In the endless black void, before Jesus I will kneel.

Once I learn to properly crucify the five senses desire will cease.
Ever ready to receive that ultimate self realizing tuning peace.
It might happen on its own, but I love doing the work.
Breathe in, breathing out out out but soon I'll be ending my search.

The search for things outside of myself to make me feel whole.
Learning to warm my heart in the cold.
Writing my destiny, a beautiful story never told.
God is worth knowing, 
In both of his hands, 
My life He holds.




© 2020 Kurtis Monson

Since every thought is a ripple,
In the water of the mind.
In an era where it’s ever important to be kind.
Just to witness it’s rapids with jest,
The pathless journey, yet my heart wants to go west.

When the water of the mind start to hold still,
I start to see my reflection behind that big hill.
Yes, as the ripples start to slow down,
My reflection doesn’t look like me, but he wears a crown.

If the mind’s waters begin to get unsteady,
I’ll find that calm center, it’s underlying everything already.
As I undress my mind, synapse by synapse,
I’m building something in those quiet moments,
A happy home that can never collapse.

If every thought is a little ripple,
Let them fade out into the nothingness again.
No need to take heed of things not simple,
Contemplating this life to no end.

Since every thought is a ripple,
In the water of the mind.
To have the strongest faith in Him I find,
That Love is an easy way to live divine.


At the moment I can only add to this post a few of Mr Kurtis Monson Adasi 

But, I am sure he add written over 30 poems and words of wisdom.

He is a nurse by profession

He have been a volunteer for many times, this tell about his aspect of life of giving back to humanity. Personal I like to mention here that I have received fund from him directly. I am personally grateful.

Why I celebrate him and wife-just two days after now he will be a full family man.

I like to specially mention that the wedding date is also my last brother’s birthday


You can see why I said Kurtis Monson Adasi is more spiritual and understand and know the best time.

On the occasion of your wedding ceremony. I wish you well.

Obolo is blessed

Adasi-Efuya Family is blessed

Eastern Obolo is blessed 

Highest Regards 

Ephraim Jerry 


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