8 more Skills you must learn in LIFE


8 more Skills you must learn

We are all gifted no human being is empty and naughty.Our ability to identify, discover and use matters.Some of these skills are needed for our basic survival, while others are meant to enhance our personalities in some way or the other.Life is more than survival.If you want to improve your personality and your persona itself, then these are the skills you must be good at.

1. Self -Acceptance is the key to life transformation: Sometimes, in the course of our lives, we find ourselves saying yes to things which create tension and stress us out. As we think of them, or about them, we wonder why we keep allowing ourselves to make the same bad decisions. Dwelling on the decisions we make can create a cycle of negative thinking and resisting the urge to say no can just keep adding to the stress and tension we are experiencing. Knowing when to say no is best decision in life.

Our major struggle is to achieve great things and please others in our life.Even the most self confident of people have their insecurities about themselves.People with famous faces often resort to face lifts and heavy use of make up to protect their public image and reputation.

Taking an inventory of our own dreams and strengths is essential to breaking this cycle. Our value and worth isn’t dependent on who others think we are, but in what we think of ourselves. As a man think that in his heart so he is....As we get in touch with and enjoy the person we are, and growing into.We are able to make life decisions that contribute to and enhance our self-image and in the process, we find others accept us.The cycle is reversed when this happens.When we accept ourselves, we begin to learn how to be self confident and generous in our acceptance of others. We find ourselves being naturally accepted by others for who we are and not for what we do.

Remember you are unique to the world, you are a recipe the world needs, don’t waste it

2. Remembering people’s names, names of places.This show a good memory, if you don’t have this gift already, there is need to work on it on time.For instance when you remember people’s name it tells good about you and you make people happy to communicate with you-making friends made easy.

3. Reading people’s minds :This will help you know how to treat people well and give you the ability to negotiate and win easily.You will see this in the life of those who are deep into negotiation and seduction for good side only.You may save your business by being able to read many minds, it can also save your relationships.

4 Ability to recognize TALENT: This is a skill that very few people are blessed with, but it can certainly be developed through coach,practices and experience. When you come across someone, skill can help you assess their potential.

5. How to be emotional stable,having the ability to know what to do at each challenge.Emotional maturity.

6. Ability to read and interpret financial and management statements, giving an inside into investment opportunities and decisions.

7. Negotiation, ability to make friends and influence people easily as well change people’s mind.

8.  Getting people’s attention and multiplying it.

If you want to gain more inside of those identified skills, feel free to contact us

In my next post I will write more on stress management. Because stress is a killer 

Live stress free life.Have skills, discover more of your talents, explore.

Awajiokanubon cares

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