Don't Let No One Write You Off: You're Not A Failure!


I am glad to introduce and celebrate a young talented writer, like God’s Time.


Don't Let No One Write You Off:

You're Not A Failure!

God Never Created anyone inferior. His original plan for us is for us to take charge, rule our world and have dominion (Gen. 1:28).

The fact that you're going through a very difficult time doesn't mean God's plan towards you has been changed. Before you were created in you mother's womb God knows and chose you, He set you aside for a specific work. 

Do you know he has already written a script concerning you?
Don't Let No One Write You Off!

Countless numbers of time people try to write me off but by God's grace I was able to prove to them beyond all odds that the only person who has the final say in life is God.

I want to share two instances with you:

Fourteen years ago someone looked me deep in the eye and told to me: "You are not Good Enough".

Because some of my neighbors were calling me 'First Lady'. And I happened to be this reserved and very shy beautiful little girl who barely associate with people.

This First Lady of a name got one of my neighbors really upset, so he said:

'Why in God's name are they calling you First Lady? What exactly is so special about you that makes people celebrate you the way they do aside the fact that you're beautiful? I mean it's not as if you're social; you're timid, naive, innocent, not exposed, you can never amount to nothing great let alone become a First Lady, take that off your mind because it's never gonna happen.

I felt like ending my world. But I encouraged myself in the Lord as a little Christian girl taught to always hand over all her worries to God.

Six (6) years ago, someone looked me in the eye and told me the exact same thing: 'You are not Good Enough'.

Because I was a very bright and intelligent girl who had great passion for Law as a course of Study.
I had great passion for Law but Law said No!

After running an A-Level program in Law and having a very cool point that could earn me the study of Law, the school my school is Affiliated to refused to admit anyone from my school, reasons best known to them. My effort for two good years was in vain.

I didn't wanna waste more time waiting for Law so I took Jamb again, gained admission to study Philosophy by God's grace but studying something aside Law wasn't my idea of victory so my first year in school wasn't really cool until I realized that:

'A bed in the hand is worth more than million in the bush'. But before this realization, some colleagues who had no idea of what I've been through started writing me off. 

The worst of it all was that a senior colleague of mine had the effrontery to tell me, to my face: 

'The worst thing about you is that, you neither have a boyfriend within your class nor outside your class, you're just there, no boyfriend yet, you couldn't make a common first class, and I doubt you would graduate with something that looks like an upper class no matter how much you strive, if you like make all A's from your second year to final year this won't happen'. 

Again, i felt like ending my world. But God Saw me through.

Ladies and Gentlemen, it might interest you to know that, I graduated as on of the best students in my class with nothing less than 'Second Class Upper'. Although my beginning was small, my later end wasn't really small as they thought.

I'm not where I wanna be yet.
But I'm pretty sure I'm not where I used to be.

What point I'm I trying to make?

When someone Write You Off and Said You Are not Good Enough; you don't just go back home, sit down, fold your hands and start crying. 
No you don't do that!

You go back home, work on yourself very well, come back, look the person in the eye, directly or indirectly and say: 'I AM GOOD ENOUGH'.

Remember, what people say about you doesn't really count; what you say about you is what counts.

Don't Let No One Write You Off!

You're Not A Failure!!

God Is Still Working On You!!!

Welcome To God'stime Iganah's World


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