The crave for total peace

What I learnt

Poetry is a flash into the ocean of endless inspiration.I have learnt that not minding what I sacrifice for others they will not appreciate forever. I learn to be happy while I help other people.

I learnt to smile not considering the present state, for nothing is permanent naturally except changes.I am learnt that I am not inferior nor a slave to anyone,I am only a slave to my values and believe systems.

I learnt that each payment received is not compared to my effort/labour, then God is the best entrepreneur of the ages.

I learnt that worries, fear doesn’t contribute anything to my progress. I learnt that the world indeed is a stage.No human is fulfilled and satisfied in the real life.The empty man, I learnt that many people fell cheated most time

I learnt that my result today is a product of plans,work,faith cum believe system.

Time is the father of all truth, time is the oldest of all.

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