More than gifts but,SACRIFICES

List of first category of beneficiaries and respective locations 

See above the list of second category of beneficiaries 
Yours faithfully is number on the second category.
These are not ordinary gifts but, real SACRIFICES considering the global economic situations.
I am very sure that no act of love,kindness go unrecognized by God.Then sure that God will Engr/Pastor and Nurse Paul Iyogun.These declarations are irrevocable.IJN AMEN.

We at Oboloheritage write to appreciate more and more Engr/pastor and Nurse Paul Iyogun for doing it again in a very big way for all the members in the WhatsApp group of Paulinspired.20+ members nuggets and wise saying, encouragement,motivational and prayer group.

Awaji Igbana Owu 


The prayers from members of the group I.T.M.P were so much that I can’t copied all. Because it flow every minutes from sincere hearts.And God answering it.

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