Sample of statement if purpose


Statements of purpose 


I am your name and degree/qualifications and professional associations you belong to,certificate in customer satisfaction,Risk manager and best practices.

While working as a loan officer and later branch manager in Microfinance Institution.I gave many suggestions like formation of audit and risk management department.I created a strategy on quick loan recovery. During the time I work the aforementioned positions, I learn negotiate and persuasion.I know well that managing other people money more accountability is needed.

I see that each customer is unique and to be treated well. I learnt that all problems have solutions. Emotional intelligence is necessary.

I have learn by experience that there is need to diversify in any business and teach, encourage customers to form the habit of saving before spending. Because savings equal to investment.

Serving as assistant secretary open me to discuss with other dignitaries.I developed more good skills of interpersonal communication skills and good listening skills 

I am an achievement driven person,I love to get more than expected results in all  given opportunities.This opportunity will enable me network and have more other relevant experiences.

Learn new important culture and values for better services to humanity.As a pay back to humanity, I will always treasure the given opportunity and even serve to the best of my knowledge,as this is the dreamed opportunity.

Where necessary will recommend others to the program as appropriate.Be willing to travel to any part of the world for the course of development of humanity.Be willing and ready to embrace any challenges in the process of my studies of MSC in procurement.I sought for this opportunity for years now, now is real and match up with my preparation over the years.I will not fail at any point to make good use of this rear chance.

Yours faithfully

Your Name


Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria 

This is sample if you want me to write for you on this mail me for the job. at the best possible fee charge.


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