LIfe have many meanings from different point of view.

Life is a great gift from God for us to enjoy.

Is not a right it is a privilege and we are obliged to give the best out.

Life is an opportunity 

Life is a stage

Life is a journey 

Life is not a destination 

Life is a challenge 

Life is a chance

Life is live in itself 

Life is given freely 

Life is not your own

Life itself is like shadow 

Life is like beautiful flower

Life is what you think and define in your own language.
A man is born today,tomorrow he is dead.

Vanity upon vanity

Why not show and share love

Let understand the emptiness of man upon all his struggle under the sun

If you are lucky to buried, good but, not all return in such way

I feel for many who the ages from very painful ways

Their first torment in life

What are our benefits I felt for humanity, above all

A man lives in a mansion today, tomorrow he lives
A man drives a car today, tomorrow an ambulance
drives him.
A man reads biology today, tomorrow a biography
is been read of him.
A man eats whatever he wants today, tomorrow he
becomes food for insects.
A man is always early for work today, tomorrow he
is termed late Mr/Mrs.
A man is seen resting in his house today, tomorrow he is resting in a coffin. And they say "Rest In Peace"!
A man eats all kinds of fruits in his house today,
Tomorrow he becomes manure to those trees.
A man is known today as the richest man ever,
Tomorrow he doesn't even know where or what will
happen to his riches.
What is life after all?
Plan your life because you may not see tomorrow.
But when your life is well planned you won't Be
afraid of anything.
Come to think of this?.......
1. Eternal life = free
2. Church entrance = free
3. salvation = free
4. God's love = free
5. Breath of life = free
A. Cigarette = pay
B. Alcohol pay
C. Nightclub entrance fee= pay
E. Powers to rule the world = pay
Then why are people paying for hell while PARADISE is free?
Think twice
Believe in Jesus and you shall be saved..
We always think of Valentine's day
Birth day
Father's day
Mother's day
Children's day
Our day,
Farmer's day
Teacher's day
Christmas day
Independence day
Boxing day,
This day,
That day,
Day in Day out.
Have u ever thought of Judgement Day, is it going to be a day of celebration or condemnation for you? If you are safe, what about your friends & loved ones. Show them love by telling them about the Judgement Day.




This evening while I was in my silent room reflecting on life issues and the real meaning of life itself, a voice asked me ’What does life mean to You’ I feel I should also ask You what life mean to You. Knowing surely I will get different option from each person, to some it is the only opportunity to enjoy once for all; a time to be happy to the fullest.

But, these are not the only meaning of life to me; it is a cycle of doing our best to humanity and a time to serve God and worship him only and then our reward while we arrive eternity. Oh what a great reward, which reward/joy while we breath can be compared with that above. 


Oh what a joy will be in our heart when cross the bridge. No more sorry nor pains of any nature, when our is right with our Creator.

I write to you in love and special care-calling you to reflect on LIFE now that you exist.

Many definitions of life.This same life ooh

Life can be described as the existence of living beings, characterized by growth, reproduction, and the ability to respond to stimuli. It is a complex and diverse phenomenon, encompassing various forms and experiences. Life provides us with the opportunity to learn, grow, and make meaningful connections with others. It is a journey filled with ups and downs, joys and challenges, and the potential for personal development and fulfillment. Ultimately, the meaning and purpose of life vary for each individual, and it is up to us to explore and discover what brings us happiness, fulfillment, and a sense of purpose.

The meaning and purpose of life can be subjective and can vary from person to person. It is a deeply philosophical and personal question that has been contemplated by humans for centuries. Some people find meaning and purpose in their relationships with others, in their careers or creative pursuits, in making a positive impact on the world, in seeking knowledge and personal growth, or in their spiritual or religious beliefs. For some, the meaning of life may be about finding happiness and contentment, while for others it may be about leaving a lasting legacy or making a difference in the lives of others. Ultimately, the meaning and purpose of life is a journey of self-discovery and can be influenced by our values, beliefs, and personal aspirations.


Romancing your soul and get connected with you creator now and do you best to humanity.  

My desire is to regularly write to you, to get you inspired also.

We need to do best, contribute all the for the fur trance of useful life of human existence.

Man know thyself

I am an ambassador of Peace and Love.

I Ama poet,a scientist and yours faithfully.


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