Achievements Strategies for HOPE PROJECT IN AKS

 Achievements Strategies for HOPE PROJECT IN AKS

Good day special personality.

My desire,our desires is that our people-Akwa Ibomite, the youths should benefit massively from NDDC program project HOPE.

Overtime I took thought about this and in this piece is my personal suggestions on how to achieve this vision. I have to write a summary here for your review and additional suggestions aimed at just the best.

Akwa Ibom State HOPE project team should have a targeted number of youths that we will register for this program.Like if we agreed that we will achieve registration of 31,000 ie each Local Government Area to register at least 1,000 youths. Then the 31,000 aforesaid is feasible.That is not to say that we have limited ourselves to 31,000 youths only while we many have more rooms to register more.But,considering the above as our first target. Then afterwards we will set up another target.

Also, I see that we can spread,share the message of HOPE program via Akwa Ibom State students bodies in Universities and Polytechnic etc for the purpose of information and widest publications.

This festive period is opportunity to explore and register more people, this call for our continuous sacrifice for the project HOPE vision of touching,transforming the 9 states of Niger. THERE IS NEED FOR MORE TEAM WORK AT ALL LEVELS AS SAID BEFORE.Refer all Eastern Obolo youths you have in your contact for us to register for this program, we will do same for other 30 Local Government Areas.

Need for Local Government Area that have not yet created their WhatsApp group for the purpose of this registration to do so ASAP.Try your best to keep records of those that registered in your Local Government Area even if you may not get all.

I will write you from time to time on this project.


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