Happy birthday Engr Dan Ephraim


Happy birthday Engr Dan Ephraim, son and brother 

I sincerely thank Gifford His faithfully over your life so far I understand better how life have treated you, us.

In all God have shown His love, I celebrate you because you an achievement driven personality.Very courageous, hardworking, multitasking, skilled and willing to learn more and take correction without offense.

I watch each day of your growing up, and I am sure as I can say it again and power that think, plan to stop your bright future is now under arrest and brought to subjection under the name and authority of JESUS CHRIST Amen.

The Lord of host give you the neck of your enemies and you beat them and they become dust.May them that planned to stop you from having a great future and more meaningful life.Let their prayers before God be counted as SIN, may they be widow… and may their children be fatherless and there be no one the earth throughout all generations have pity on them.

You are bless, may the blessings of the Lord outweigh all causes, setbacks and limitations…2 means agreement.So all the declarations, prayers and blessings are irrevocable in Jesus most powerful name Amen

I look to you in your 90’s as a fulfilled son, brother.

I like the way you inspired me in your lines of poem:

May I Be Blessed By God Today As I See My New Age.

The day is beautiful, occasion truly special,

Sweetness is around, with smiling faces.

Light the candles, gobble the candies,

I Pray to God with faith and make some thoughtful wishes. 

The merry tunes that cheer,

The world sings along to wish me.

With lovely gifts and jolly hearts,

I wish they all come together to bless me on this special day.

 Birthday to my humble self.

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