Letters to my daughter for knowledge at her age


Letter to my daughter 

Letters to my daughter for knowledge at this age 



My daughter know that your are growing up to become a lady, woman, wife and mother. These are stages of development, be prepared from now for it.Start now to prepare yourself for every good things about your future, add prayers to every desires and you can make it big in all. Don’t see yourself as inferior to anybody-don’t condemn nor ignore others.Show respect to all mankind and be kind.

My daughters you should Endeavor to read the series of letter I will write to you frequently about my views about life, positions, decisions and most of your dealings with man.Try and make friends with people who can add to your life.I never knew this truth before hand, that is why you need to see today as unprivilege,hence use it well.

You will do well to hold to all the sound proof ideas,they will help you to make it easily and earlier in life.

I feel for your pain during early stage of breast development.

I feel your pain during monthly flow and mostly child bearing. You are a mother womb of the earth. I feel your pain often.That is why anytime you find pleasure or being and displaying it I am always happy too.



Keep yourself out of all trouble, love and do not expect love from those you loved. Do not boost to anyone because the world is too deep, you may not understand people’s mind. Only God understands man that He created. Do your investment earlier, learn everything you could early and grow with your investment. Seek to earn income from many sources even if they may not be big, this will not you happy at all time because you not be disappointed you lost your job at any time. Learn saving and start to save even a little for this how you can create wealth.


 Avoid unnecessary spending so that you not be poor.  Learn tolerance from bad people and love from the good ones, know that every man you meet you need to learn something very important from him. Be willing to die for your dreams, plan big, start small in everything.


Remember to note brief note when your are inspired you may not know whose life you will touch by your words. Learn to serve, donate, do voluntary job often, donate in your own little way to those who can not pay you back, you will be bless and life long. Never tell people about all your plans and visions, only tell it to your God in-depth prayers.

Mostly find time to enjoy life in a little way.Work smart, travel to get refreshed and to gain new ideas from new environment. Make new friends, be honest in all your relationships.You may need help someday from people. Be kind in your own little way.Know why you are on earth. 

Stay close to your creator,you will be more creative and better.

See more on how to enjoy and be happy.

Here are some simple ways to help you, how to enjoy the little things in life:

1. A perfect cup of tea or coffee

2. Genuine laughter

3. Laughing until your tummy hurts

4. Making someone laugh

5. Dancing and singing to your favorite songs

6. Breakfast in bed

7. Taking a nap

8. Spending time with your pets

9. The smell of freshly baked goodies

10. The smell of rain

11. The smell of fresh-cut grass

12. A good hair day

13. Seeing clouds that form into different shapes

14. Receiving an email/letter/message from a good old friend

15. Surprising someone you love

16. Curling up in fresh sheets

17. Savoring your favorite drink or snack

18. Dancing in the rain

Seeing a double rainbow

23. Sand between your toes

24. Listening to your children’s laughter

25. Basking in the sultry sunset

26. Reading a book

27. Movie night

28. Listening to a song you haven’t heard in years

29. Stargazing

30. Waking up to a beautiful day

31. Watching the sunrise

32. Making other people happy

33. Watching the ocean waves kiss the shore

34. Spending time with people you love

35. Cuddles with someone you love

36. Long tight hugs from a loved one

37. Having some time for yourself

38. Long walks

39. Helping someone out

40. Learning something new

These are just some of the few little things that you can have a deep appreciation for, small everyday moments that is the foundation of our lives. Being mindful and present will cultivate so much joy into your life, and you’ll realize that it’s the hours in your days that make up the years in your life, and that’s the beauty of recognizing the little things.

Remember that life is short, so celebrate the little wins because the little moments induce great emotions, and at the end of the day, these are the ones that bring genuine meaning to life. 

Choose the career you like but,have more skills,be trained on technical work.

You can gain from this when you don’t have an active job. Plan your future from today,plan big and be ready to achieve more.For only you can limit yourself.Believe in your ability, don’t boost let your achievements cum advancements speak volumes 



I will talk to you my letters regularly because I want you to be great for yourself, God and humanity. See you see via my writing soonest.

Take care


Pure work of Jerry, Ephraim 


I am a poet....

All right reserve 

No part of this work should be copied with permission 




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