How to fight depression.Way out


How to fight depression 

Medically depression can only be managed not cured.Mostly depression is mind issue like hypertension. That is why you have to make yourself happy for no reason so you can avoid some of the deadly illness.

Why do people find it difficult to notice when you're depressed but quickly notice your mistakes?


There was this young man who just got fired because he was absent a lot. He couldn't get out of bed due to his mental health. But do you think any of his colleagues knew that?

Of course not! There's a stigma in this world that people can't talk about (Depression, Mental Health).Once in a while try and check up on your friends, e get why! Some people are truly going through a lot. I know you're a very busy person, trying to fix this, that. Life hard, everybody dey struggle make dem too, follow survive, but I also believe you wouldn't feel really happy if you receive a call right now, that your friend just end his/her life.Ever since he got married, he's been given you levels so, you got upset and decided never to call him again.

Wait!What if he wasn't really given you levels? What if he's going through hell but couldn't bring himself to tell you or anyone after all the mouth he made about how perfect his woman was.

That he's married doesn't mean he just gained admission into the University of HEAVen...a place devoid of sorrow.You can still check up on your married friends, you know!That she's posting beautiful pictures on social media doesn't mean she's doing perfectly well. What if she has a better camera spiced up with confirm it won't be as if, 'Na her situation worse pass'.'Why would anyone even want to end his/her life, for what?' No Be So o!


This is the statement many people make everyday.But the truth is, you can't expect everyone to react to things the way you do. People view things differently and it's not you that'll tell me what should hurt me or not!That this, that, won't hurt you doesn't mean it won't or shouldn't hurt others.Judge less, Care more!Do you have this friend, neighbor who just started saying or has been saying stuff like;Why me?I'm tired of life, Nothing matters to me anymore, I feel worthless and so on, then you laugh over it thinking it's a normal joke?Sorry to say this, but I think, you're not really looking out for your friends.I know you're a very busy person oSee, it's not that mentally ill patients don't want to be happy, it's just that despite how hard they try, they can't bring themselves to be happy.


Having depression and anxiety is like wanting friends but not socializing, it's wanting to be alone but not wanting to be lonely, it's caring about everything then caring about nothing.Mental Health is a big deal guys!I wish we can always look beyond those beautiful smiles, fancy photos on social media spiced up with filters. If only we can care more, judge less.Please guys, Wake up and listen to the Silent Cries!Let Love Lead!Don't forget, it's only someone who's alive that can be 'OBIDIENT', YUSUFUL 'ATICULATED' and so on!

It's also only someone who's alive that'll travel on that good road, enjoy that steady light, clean water, banks, that we are envisaging!!Together, we can make the world a better place to LIVE In!!!

Credit God’s Time Iganah 2022

Edited and published by

Feeling down and depressed can affect your whole life. there’s no panacea for depression, but here are some strategies to assist you revisit on target .

Find a replacement friend to assist you fight depression
Join a gaggle , check in for a committee, have dinner with co-workers or invite them to possess a drink with you after work. In short: become involved .Numerous studies show that folks who contribute time and energy to the community are happier and healthier in their later years.

Get a dog to cheer you up

Although personally hate dog,I love cat totally.

With quite 147 million prescriptions for antidepressants written annually within the U.S. and Canada, it’d appear to be most are hooked in to happy pills.But instead, you’ll adopt a pet, especially if you are feeling sad or depressed.That’s what researchers at the University of Missouri found after studying mood-related chemicals in individuals after they played with a dog for a couple of minutes.

Find happiness in eating fish 
Here’s what a growing body of scientific evidence tends to show: omega-3 fatty acids, “good” fats, promote communication between nerve cells within the brain.One study found that folks who ate a healthy diet that included fatty fish like salmon two to 3 times every week for five years had significantly fewer feelings of depression and hostility than those during a similar group who didn’t eat the maximum amount fish.If you cannot stand fish, try eating 3 grams each day of animal oil or 30 grams (two tablespoons) of ground flaxseed, another good source of omega-3.

Plan an outside winter vacation

Anyone who has spent a winter in Canada knows that February is really 35 days long. Taking a cruise to the islands or a ski trip to Banff can provide an honest dose of sunshine to lighten your mood.

Brighten up your dark thoughts

Don’t have the time or the cash for a vacation? McGill University’s Extreme Research event has highlighted a number of the foremost recent research on the consequences of sunshine therapy on seasonal major affective disorder (SAD).SAD is caused by lower levels of serotonin, a chemical within the brain that decreases with the shortage of sunlight during the shorter days of winter. But preliminary results from one study showed that light therapy could resolve SAD symptoms in only a couple of days.

Skip a night’s sleep to finish depression

Researchers found that skipping a whole night of sleep helped ease depression for as long as a month.No one knows why this works, but it’s believed that going without sleep “resets” the interior clock and provides depressed people an opportunity to sleep better.

Avoid regrets

A study by researchers at Columbia University found that depriving yourself of life’s little pleasures results in a duller life. it’s likely to steer to some regret as you age. Over time, the regrets worsen while the guilt disappears.

Try cognitive therapy

Cognitive therapy, which helps people with depression see the planet differently, is simpler than medication when it involves treating severe depression.Researchers at the University of Toronto took brain scans of depressed patients before and after treatment, and located improvement in nearly 70% of cases, no matter whether the themes were treated with pills or talk therapy.But Dr. Helen Mayberg and her team also found that while antidepressants stimulated activity in some areas of the brain, talk therapy was also successful in reducing a number of the activity liable for negative emotions in other parts of the brain.Depression can take many forms and affect people in several ways, but following these helpful tips could assist you get out of that darkness and luxuriate in life again.

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