Rules of Life

_*Common Sense that make sense*_ Rules of Life

 *(1)* Stand when talking with your seniors.
*(2)*  Give up your seat for the elderly.
*(3)* Never exchange words with your parents even if they’re wrong. Clarify your point another day when temperatures cool down.
*(4)*  Don’t pocket or chew gum while addressing people in public.
*(5)* Waiting for others to finish their point doesn’t kill.
*(6)* Wait for others during meals.
*(7)* Give thanks before eating.
*(8)* You can do better than a hyena. Eat moderately.
 *(9)* Learn to share the road.
*(10)* Stop shouting unnecessarily.
*(11)* Be patient with others.
*(12)* Never pee nor dump by the roadside.
*(13)* Be considerate of fellow humans.
*(14)* Don’t squeeze in a narrow entrance.
*(15)*  Learn to give way.
*(16)* Hold doors open if others are behind you and never jump the queue.
*(17)* Always be civil and orderly.
*(18)* Knock before entering. I mean, knock gentle.
*(19)* Cover your mouth when sneezing or coughing.
*(20)* Ask before taking. But in somebody’s house, don’t ask for stuff simply because you saw it. That’s not a supermarket.
*(21)* Don’t share somebody’s phone number without their consent.
*(22)* Don’t take front seat unless invited.
*(23)* Don’t gatecrash in occassion you’re not invited.
*(24)* Don’t stand too close to a stranger. Respect their personal space.
*(25)* And never point at people. Make your point without pointing.
*(26)* Be cheerful always 
*(27)* Address people by their names. Calling people by their name strikes a rapport with them.
*(28)* If someone uplifts your spirit, compliment them.
*(29)* Stop being mean.
*(30)* Don’t attack people on social media
*(31)* Bringing someone else down does not lift you up.
*(32)* Disagree respectfully.
*(33)* Say ‘sorry,’ ‘please,’ ‘excuse me’ and ‘thank you effortlessly when needs be.
*(34)* Learn to close the door gently after *you.
*(35)* Clean your toilet or any convenience you use after use and regularly,don't leave for others to wash or clean for you.

Rules of Life
Oboloheritage Cares 

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