Engr/Pastor Paul Iyogun in Guinness book of record


This post is based on my personal sincere opinion.

From my rough analysis Engr/Pastor Paul Iyogun, wife and family have spent over three million naira plus thousand of naira so far for Christmas for ITMP members only.

I will mention it to the World such a huge sacrifice, considering the time and economic mayhem in the world.

I was worried after analyzing based on the available facts,me I received from Engr/Pastor Paul and wife.That have been my whole salary in the past.Blessed assurance Psalm 41:1.

Something told me he started saving from January 2022 for these Christmas gifts and a project for him as a very sure way of giving out to humanity.Worth emulating, as often said by him we are blessed to be a blessing.While writing this post, I put down everything as I am inspired.

One sure thing is that God have answered the prayers made for him and family.I see clearly that the prayers will have more positive evidences in the shortest time, on him, wife , children and generations. This is irrevocable.Note the aforesaid as a prophecy.

This is a way we can made it known to the world.He not a politician that will make so much noise when using the Government fund to execute any project.

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Read more https://oboloheritage.blogspot.com/2022/12/more-than-gifts-butsacrifices.html

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  1. They are simply amazing! This is what humanity is all about

  2. Touching Heaven, changing earth. Transforming lives, one discussion at a time.

  3. This family is simply awesome
    There show love is exceptional. these are the type of people we need to make the world a better place. Touching lives and changing people.💝

  4. Changing lives one discussion at a time.
    You see this family they are the true definition of humanity and Christ like, they have really made my faith and believe in God stronger, God bless this family immensely, in Jesus mighty name.

  5. ITMP is the best family to be in. I learn new things virtually everyday. I am transformed by what I receive daily by practicing what I learnt.
    And this Christmas, they have blessed us even more. May God bless you and your family beyond measure.
