The attention of the REACHE AGENDA is brought to a mischievous and pseudo name Obolo Vanguard on a laughable matter of establishing monarchical politics in Eastern Obolo by Sir Adasi Ubulom (KJW).

This is insinuated because his son has rightly and graciously submitted his wish to lead the people of Eastern Obolo to the beacon of light through the REACHE MOVEMENT 2024.

Well, being successful or powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people that you are a lady, then you are not. So telling you that we are winning this race to the highest political seat in the Local Government Area is like telling you that you are failing. Of course, we didn't need to tell you that before you started crying fouls for the inabilities of your sponsors and the credibility of Comr. Emigbanam Ubulom.

At this point, it is not good reasoning to respond to this, because politics shouldn't be an art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere and anywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies. However, since Franklin D. Roosevelt said, "In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way," then there is need to respond to this bigotry. 

If we must move forward as a Local Government Area, then we must not be parochial, but broad minded. Eastern Obolo is greater than any man. The interest of Eastern Obolo is greater than any preached monarchy as peddled by an anti - progressive group called Obolo Vanguard.

Obolo Vanguard had shot itself in the leg by stating that Comr. EMIGBANAM ADASI UBULOM has the constitutional right to vote and be voted for. So a right thinking Obolo Vanguard will be reflective rather than vituperative.

If truly this is an Obolo Vanguard, it should know that at this age and stage of Eastern Obolo, we don't need to seek answers from the old or from the young, but the right answers. We don't need to seek to fix the blame for the past. We need to accept our own responsibility for the future. 

And for the future, Eastern Obolo is for everyone and Comr. EMIGBANAM ADASI UBULOM has the right to contest for any position in the land as a bonafide son of the land. Eastern Obolo is bigger than weeping sentiments. Eastern Obolo is bigger than dimming the candle only to fan failing embers.

If you're truly an Obolo Vanguard, what you need to do is to x-ray any candidate that has declared or would declare his intent to lead the Obolo People on the basis of competence and not preaching an inexistent monarchy. 

An Obolo Vanguard should be bigger than weeping sentiments. But no, you are a hireling that will chicken out when the chips are down.Let grow above sentiments and focus on competence and delivery capabilities. 

So to this end, get out of the middle of the road, so you won't get run over,  let's know who you are and we will talk politics.

The REACHE AGENDA 2024 is here to stay and there must be light in Eastern Obolo.

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