This is Miss Glory’s opinion, back up by few bible verses.

Read, comment (s) invite family and friends to read and visit this blog regularly for other insides.



 "No rules can be made without me, i give heavy offering and tithes, not to mention my donations, without my contributions,they are nothing"


"I have to wear the latest designs from the best fabric before I make an appearance in church, dressing like a pauper is not my thing"


"Rich men and politicians worship in my assembly, i will surely secure a job or contract"


" I am such a rare gift to them, nobody is better than me. If am not acknowledged, i'll quit, after all i can not be replaced"


Wait a minute!

Lets take a walk through the bible path.



Mr/mrs VIP

Apart from the fact that God resist the proud but gives grace to the humble, have you read Deut. 8:18 ? It says," But you shall remember the lord your God, for it is He who is giving you power to make wealth that He may confirm His covenant which he swore to your fathers as it is this day"


And u oga/madam fashionista

Samuel 16:7  have already made it clear that God does not care about your outward appearance, but the state of your mind.


Brother/sister expectation

Though the bible says that your expectation shall not be  cut off, Isaiah 2:22 gave you wisdom to live by. It says, Stop trusting in mere humans, who have but a breath in their nostril..." (NIV)


Over here, sir/madam Talent

You were "saved" to "serve" others. Your gift and talent is for the edification of the church not for self glorification (Eph. 4:11)



Finally, let him that has ears hear what the spirit says.


Set your priority right!

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