What are some things you realize as you get older?


No women is perfect.

  1. If I choose a Submissive woman, I must accept that she depends on me.
  2. If I choose a beautiful woman, I have to accept expenses too.
  3. If I choose a working woman, I must accept that she cannot handle full household chores.
  4. If I choose a housewife, I must accept that she doesn't earn.
  5. If I choose a great woman, I have to accept that she is tough and firm.
  6. If I choose a Brave woman, I must accept that she has thoughts of her own.
  7. Choose a woman that support your visions if not you will achieve less
  8. Choose a woman that love if not you will suffer and die shortly 
  9. Choose a woman that don’t easily let go of important things 

A woman has her “Good things" that defines who she is and makes her unique .

Har Har and Ephraim Jerry 

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