Learn everything from your past

 What did you learn from previous relationships?


1. Be friends first before dating.

2. Satisfactory sex is essential for a long happy relationship.

3. Long distance relationships are not for everyone, don’t force it.

4. Learn to let it go when things don’t work out.

5. Accept myself and never feel guilty about who I am

6. Learn to notice little red flags in the beginning.

7. Communication is important. If they aren’t willing to talk things through, the relationship will eventually fail.

8. Time. Love people who consistently make time for you.

9. Learn to love myself so that I don’t depend on people to do so.

10. Have a life outside the relationship, friends, hobbies etc

11. It’s actually quite easy if you tell your flaws at the beginning instead of saving them for later.

12. Never to change myself or pressure someone to change themselves.

13. Leave as soon as you can when you start noticing red flags

14. Work on your short comings before getting into a relationship.

15. You can’t change someone who doesn’t want to change.

Update: Explaining point 6 & 13. Guys redflags are not the same as flaws. Here's a definition of redflags.

“Something your partner does that indicates a lack of respect, integrity or interest towards the relationship”

If you constantly have to address the redflags, its about time you respect yourself and leave.


Khushboo Khan

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